Conference Publications

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Foegen, A. (2004). Algebra instruction and assessment for students with disabilities: First steps in a three year project. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA.

Foegen, A., & Lind, L. (April, 2004). Access to algebra for students with disabilities: Research and strategies. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, New Orleans, LA.

Foegen, A., Olson, J., & Lind, L. (October, 2004). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Presented at the Iowa Learning Disabilities Conference, Des Moines, IA.

Foegen, A. (February, 2005). Developing measures in algebra. Session presented at the 13th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. Included as part of the panel, Exploring new measures for mathematics progress monitoring from K to 12, by Foegen, Lembke, and Deno.

Foegen, A. (February, 2005). Monitoring progress in algebra: A new approach to assessment. Session presented at the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, Ankeny, IA.

Foegen, A., & Impecoven-Lind, L. (April 2005). Algebra progress monitoring: Initial findings on potential measures. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Baltimore, MD.

Foegen, A., & Olson, J. (October 2005). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the Learning Disabilities Association of Iowa Conference, Des Moines, IA.

Foegen, A. (February, 2006). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the 14th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. Included as part of the panel, Progress measures in mathematics: Do they show progress?, by Foegen, Deno, and Lembke.

Foegen, A. (February, 2006). Project AAIMS: Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the Iowa Council of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. West Des Moines, IA.

Foegen, A. (April, 2006). New measures for secondary math: Algebra and PreAlgebra. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Salt Lake City, UT. Included as part of the session, Developing curriculum-based measures for monitoring student progress in K-12 mathematics, by Foegen, Lembke, and Jiban.

Foegen, A. (April, 2006). Finding the right equation: Tools for monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children. Salt Lake City, UT.

Foegen, A., Olson, J. R., & Edwards, M. J. (April, 2006). Monitoring student progress in algebra: A new approach to assessment. Session presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, St. Louis, MO.

Foegen, A. (April, 2006). Watching them grow: An empirical study of student progress in algebra. Poster presented at the Research PreSession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, St. Louis, MO.

Foegen, A. (July, 2006). Monitoring student progress in algebra. Session presented at Adequate Yearly Progress and Students with IEPs: A Focus on Improving Student Achievement Through Effective Practices (PaTTAN annual summer conference). State College, PA.

Olson, J., & Foegen, A. (February, 2007). Algebra progress monitoring: Catch them BEFORE they fail! Session presented at the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics, West Des Moines, Iowa.

Foegen, A. (February, 2007). Progress monitoring measures in algebra: Potential applications in a three-tiered system. Session presented at the 15th annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, California. Included as part of the panel, Mathematics assessment: Issues and innovations for assessing students with disabilities, by Ketterlin-Geller, Chard, Foegen, & Yovanoff.

Foegen, A. (February, 2008). CBM in secondary: Teachers' use of progress monitoring data in high school algebra. Session presented at the 16th Annual Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA. Included as part of the panel, Identifying technically adequate curriculum-based measure at the secondary education level: Current research findings and implications for teacher utilization in an RtI model, by Lembke, Campbell, & Foegen.

Foegen, A. (April, 2008). Algebra progress monitoring: Learn to put research results into practice. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Boston, MA. 

Foegen, A., & Trusock, J. (April, 2009). Putting algebra progress monitoring into practice: An illustration from the field. Session presented at the Annual Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children, Seattle, WA.

Foegen, A. (March, 2010). Progress monitoring in secondary mathematics: New developments in algebra. Session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.

Hagans, K., & Foegen, A. (March, 2010). Algebra progress monitoring to promote competence in middle school algebra. Session presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL.

Foegen, A. (April, 2010). Tracking growth in algebra learning: The efficacy of brief progress monitoring measures. Session presented at the Research Presession of the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, San Diego, CA.